
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Our Neighborhood Boo— Ghosts in need of a home to Haunt!

We couldn't wait to deliver our neighborhood Boo this year! Our theme was ghoulish ghosts. I made the coolest floating ghost out of muslin and spray starch. Get the complete instructions from  Tuesdee over at Everyday is a Crafting Day. So easy! And cheap too! My kids thought I used invisible spray. They were fascinated.
I trimmed the top edges of white paper bags, added googly eyes and filled them with Dollar Store treats. The kids will love them, I'm sure! I'm including the ghost signs and the Boo door hanger as FREE DOWNLOADS, just in case you haven't already prepared the Boo for your neighborhood! 

Help Yourself to these!


Oh, and please be sure to check out my neighborhood Boos from last year here if you'd like more ideas!

I'm sharing this post with my friends at Fingerprints on the Fridge and Somewhat Simple.  

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Halloween Costume: Captain Barbosa

 WE ARE COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS TO HALLOWEEN! This is one of my kids' favorite holidays. They love to dress up year round in the elaborate costumes their grandmother makes for them and Halloween is their free ticket for a new handmade costume. This year is no exception. Jackson has decided to be a pirate—again (they were pirates 2 years ago as well). Not just any "random pirate" as Jackson says, but Captain Barbosa from the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. So he submitted his request to my mother-in-law to make his pirate coat.

I took Jackson to Walmart the other night and picked up some cheap black sweat pants, knit gloves for $1 and some rain boots. I decided to make the hat myself because there's nothing cost-effective on the Internet that meets Jackson's stringent criteria. It was surprisingly simple to make, actually!
Here's all you need to do...


I assure you, his intentions are strictly honorable.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Addie's Fairy Birthday Party!

I recently helped my friend Carolyn put together a sweet little Fairy birthday party for her daughter Addie, who was turning eight. Carolyn wanted to keep the party simple, inexpensive and very handmade— which I love! She gathered all the materials to make these adorable little fairies for each of the party guests. And we had plenty of materials left over to make some other fun things for the girls!

 We made these precious veils for each of the girls to wear.
 The big event was a scavenger hunt to find their Fairies. 
 You'll notice that the girls are in their bathing suits. It was a Fairy Pool Party. This is Florida, you know. We'll be in the pool until Christmas!
The girls were split into three teams and each were given clues along the way to finding their fairies.
They found feathers...

...and wands...
...and lots of other fun things!

The final clue led the girls to their sweet Fairies 
and everyone lived happily ever after.
The End!

I'm sharing this party with my friends at