Sunday, August 21, 2011

4th Grade Book Report — Summer Assignment

Well, the new school year is now in session and my 4th Grader had to bring a book report to school on the first day! His class had to read, "The Fabled Fourth Graders of Aesop Elementary". He had to answer a few questions and either make a poster or a comic strip about the moral of a story or fable. Wesley chose one of the stories from the book and re-enacted it with Legos. We had fun working together taking pictures and finding the right Lego angry faces for his comic strip. (Click on the image to zoom in).

Fonts used: Comic Book and Lego Thick.
Comic Strip Templates available here.
Making this comic strip was really fun and easy! I think we'll definitely use this idea again!

I'm sharing this link with these blog friends: Child made, an idea place, The Girl Creative,  I Heart Naptime and Skip to My Lou!


  1. Wow - a far cry from the work I did in 4th grade

  2. This is a very clever. Thanks for the fonts!



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