Saturday, June 12, 2010

Creative Boot Camp— "Fluid"

I'm taking Maegan Beishline's photography e-course, "Creative Bootcamp" and Friday's random word prompt was "fluid". These random words are meant to inspire us to take pictures or create art depicting their meaning. Well, rather than taking a picture of running water in the sink or my coffee mug, I searched through my coffers and found these great shots of my 9 year old nephew, Sammy, doing flips off the dock at the Lake Memorial weekend. If that's not fluid movement, I don't know what is. He did one after the other. Running down the dock at break neck speed and hurdling off a mini-trampoline. The other cousins tried to do the same but paled in comparison. The boy should be a gymnast. He has absolutely no fear! I guess I didn't either at that age.


  1. Those are fun pictures....fluidity of body in motion..yes, for sure. Plus the water in the backgroud. Great.

  2. what great energy - love the images

  3. That looks like a lot of fun! Great shots.

  4. Great shots - makes me want to go swimming

  5. oh i love this! great shots and love what your did with them. Your blog is very awesome as well :)

  6. Amazing! Action shots can be so challenging but you did a great job capturing these.



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